Membership / Join us

Except as below, only Full, Affiliate, Student or Provisional members may attend EPOC activity-based meets. Guests are no longer permitted.
Full, Student or Affiliate Membership is open to current or former members of EPOC. Note, however, that Affiliate membership is only available to individuals who are already full members of another BMC affiliated club, and therefore do not require BMC insurance through EPOC, and Student membership is only available to those who are able to prove that they are in full-time education.
Provisional Membership is available to all other adults for a maximum of 6 months, or until such time as they have attended two activity meets, whichever is the sooner. After this, it will lapse unless they have applied for Full, Student or Affiliate membership and this has been accepted by the club committee. Prospective Provisional Members should contact the club secretary or arrange to be introduced by an existing club member.
Membership is not open to anyone below the age of 18, however the children of Full, Student or Affiliate members may accompany their parents on activity meets subject to the agreement of the meet leader.
Contact-only membership, for which there is no fee, is also available for anyone who just wishes to stay in touch or to attend social meets - and former members of both EPOC and the UBUPC are always most welcome.
Anyone wishing to join EPOC should contact the club secretary.
A Membership Application Form must be completed for all members prior to their attendance at any club meet. You can view, complete and print a form here (MS-Word version) or view, print and then fill in a form here (PDF version). Please don't forget to sign your form and then post, hand or scan & email it to the Club Secretary along with the appropriate fee.
Membership fees for 2018 are: Full - £15, Student - £10.50, Affiliate - £2.50, Provisional - £5 (Full and Student fees pro-rata for those joining mid year)
Please log in to see account details for direct bank (internet) transfer.
Since some club activities have an element of risk or danger, or require competence in certain techniques, meet leaders reserve the right to restrict attendance at the events they organise, and the club committee reserves to right to refuse or revoke membership.
Full and Student membership includes insurance through the BMC scheme - Affiliate members will have been insured through their primary club.
EPOC takes steps to ensure the privacy of the personal data you provide on your applications form. Details of its policy on Data Protection and Privacy can be found here.